Books & Reports

Books & Reports 

  • Tall Buildings + Urban Habitat

    Providing a global overview of tall building design and construction in a given year, the Tall Buildings + Urban Habitat series explores the projects, technologies, and approaches reshaping skylines and urban spaces worldwide. Discover how tall buildings are evolving into better stewards of the urban environment through contemporary design practices, advanced construction techniques, and a greater emphasis on human comfort.

  • Technical Guides

    Produced by the CTBUH’s working groups, these guides are indispensable for designers of tall buildings. Each guide provides practical, state-of-the-art technical detail. Covering a variety of topics, these guides offer a wealth of knowledge essential for both industry professionals and academic researchers.

  • Research Reports

    CTBUH Research Reports provide insights into the critical investigations undertaken by the CTBUH Research Division. These reports are published in keeping with the Council’s goal to disseminate cutting-edge information on tall buildings to industry professionals around the world.

  • Special Publications

    The CTBUH special collections that focus on specific topics or field of studies

  • Conference Publications

    The CTBUH Conferences are known for their cutting-edge content on the advances in the design and technology of tall buildings. The Conference Proceedings (Hardcover) is a compilation of all the technical papers delivered at Conference sessions by the many industry leaders who present on new ideas, innovations, and projects at CTBUH Conferences. The Conference Reports offer an excellent recap of the Conference, providing a summary of the event's presentations and activities.

  • In Detail

    The CTBUH “In Detail” series provides an in-depth, full-color exploration of some of the most important tall buildings in the world, drawing from the multi-disciplinary expertise of the practitioners directly involved in bringing these buildings to life.

  • Best Tall Buildings

    The CTBUH Best Tall Buildings series profiles the winners, finalists, and nominees of the annual CTBUH Awards Program. The book serves as a global snapshot of tall building construction and activity in any given year. Project profiles include images, drawings, and detailed project statistics and consultant team listings.


    Please note: the Best Tall Buildings series has been rebranded as a new book series entitled Tall Buildings + Urban Habitat, which now serves as the annual snapshot for projects featured in the CTBUH Awards Program. Learn more.

  • White Papers

    CTBUH publishes white papers on focused topics of interest to the tall building and urban design community. Shorter and more consumable than longer-form periodicals or books, white papers are generally organized around common themes and serve to build up a catalogue of knowledge in a particular area of discipline.


Most Recent Publications

Showing 1 - 18 of 84 items
Showing 1 - 18 of 84 items