2019 Chicago 10th World Congress Abstracts

50 Forward | 50 Back: The Recent History and Essential Future of Sustainable Cities

This collection of abstracts serves as a gateway to the presentations given at the CTBUH 10th World Congress, which took place from 28 October to 2 November 2019. The presentations upon which these abstracts are based inquired into a more sustainable future for our cities, considered the most important tall building innovations from the past, and expounded upon the current approach to a more human-scaled urban habitat.

We stand at a critical juncture in time, amidst major change in the typological status of tall buildings, the cities they call home, and the people that inhabit them. These abstracts represent a critical reflection on both the skyscraper typology and urban development, by marking their trajectory to date, and considering the evolutions that must take place to accommodate a dynamic and uncertain global future.

Editors: Jason Gabel & Daniel Safarik
Editorial Support: Emily Torem & Maureen Colvin
Layout & Design: Rachel Fox
Publisher: Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, Chicago, 2019
ISBN: 978-0-939493-71-5
Soft cover, 336 pages

Individual Member discount: 10%
Max Organizational Member discount: 25%
