China Best Tall Buildings 2016 | 中国最佳高层建筑

An Overview of 2016 China Skyscrapers | 2016年中国摩天大楼概览

China Best Tall Buildings: An Overview of 2016 China Skyscrapers chronicles the inaugural China Awards process, endeavoring to capture the annual progress of tall building development in one of the world’s most active high-rise epicenters. The book highlights 2016 winners and nominees through rich descriptions supported with current and precise height data, including the 2016 Legacy Award winners, which recognize proven value and performance over the period time from China’s economic opening in 1978 to a point up to 10 years preceding the award year, all accompanied by stunning full-color photos and detailed drawings. Explore the innovations in engineering that are shaping China’s cities of the future.


Please note that this is a dual-language publication. | 请注意这是一本双语出版物。

See the full list of buildings in the book | 查看本书建筑物完整列表

Executive Editor in Chief | 执行主编: Daniel Safarik
Book Coordination/Review | 出版统筹/审校: Steven Henry & Daniel Safarik
Layout Design | 装帧设计: Marty Carver
Typesetting | 装帧制作: 李政
Cover Design | 封面设计: 完颖
Translation Coordination | 翻译统筹: 译言网
Translator | 翻译: 洪芸 郑嵩岩 吴晓静 沈椿人 许远方
Executive Editor | 责任编辑: 胡毅
Executive Proofreader | 责任校对: 徐春莲
Publisher: CITAB & CTBUH in conjunction with Tongji University Press, Shanghai, 2016
出版: CITAB & CTBUH联合同济大学出版社出版,上海,2016
ISBN13: 978-7-5608-6292-7
Hard cover, 199 pages, 8.25"W x 10.25"H
精装本, 199页, 8.25"宽 x 10.25"高

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